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The Atlanta Fibroid Clinic Blog

Wear White Again!
While the attending the 5th annual Atlanta Medical Association’s All White Party, I reflected on the number of women I’ve encountered over the years who never wear white.

Don’t Forget To Take Care Of You and Your Fibroids!
It is amazing how strong and dedicated women can be when they are determined to improve their status in life.

Keep Your Lady Parts
Realizing you had a hysterectomy and it wasn’t necessarily a path that you had to take when you’re dealing with fibroids can be a bit shocking.

Georgia Congressman David Scott Support Fibroid Awareness
With millions of women around the country suffering from uterine fibroids, the movement to heighten fibroid awareness is gaining momentum.

Treating Your Fibroids Is Simpler Than Ever
Suffering from uterine fibroids? Do you suffer with heavy cycles, pain, urinary frequency, constipation, or painful intercourse? You may have uterine fibroids.

You Can Wear White When You’re Fibroid Free
Having uterine fibroids is a real problem especially if white is your favorite color.

Shed Fibroids and Pounds With UFE
Many women who suffer from fibroids often put on unwanted pounds because they are carrying fibroids in their uterus and often times that can lead to a puffy

Treating Your Fibroids Non Surgically
It’s amazing how times have changed. There was a period in time when women were only offered surgical options to treat their fibroids. Now women can treat their

Getting Pregnant After UFE
Tasheen was suffering from fibroids for years but knew she wanted to have a baby. Even though she was pass what had been dubbed “advanced maternal age,” Tasheen

The Center for Black Women’s Wellness Hosts Annual Health Fair
The Center for Black Women’s Wellness will host its annual health fair on Saturday, November 11 from 11 AM to 3 PM at the Dunbar Neighborhood Center located